Some example types:
- Minimizing potential energy of any realistic physical system. Examples:
- 0D: The point where a rolling ball/flowing water might* come to rest (*might not, if momentum carries it past the low point).
- 1D: The curve described by a hanging chain/flexible rope (in equilibrium).
- 2D: The surface of a soap film (in equilibrium).
- Generally, anything that doesn't move or change: look at the world and wonder. [For instance, how hard do you have to push or jump to move your classroom building out of its potential well?)
- Maximizing a utility function subject to a budget constraint.
- Fermat's principle: Light takes the path of least time.
- Machine learning: minimize the loss function of a particular learning task. (It and the subfield, data mining, are hot fields right now.)
- In a network of resistors connecting voltage $V_A$ to voltage $V_B$, the voltages at the nodes of the network minimize power dissipation.
- Space trajectories that minimize fuel use (Mission Design).
- When using the central difference formula $[f(x+h)-f(x-h)]/(2h)$ to approximate the derivative $f'(x)$ using floating-point numbers with a machine epsilon of $\epsilon$, what choice of $h$ minimizes the relative error of the approximation? [Note: This is a somewhat ill-defined problem, since the formula is exact (no truncation error, only round-off error) if $f$ is a polynomial of degree at most $2$. One could pickit may depend on $f$ a certain function and value of $x$; even so, the exact solution is hard to obtain.]