There are some really hands on "basic" topology things you could do. The most basic is the Mobius strip: watch this Numberphile video for some fun hands-on demonstrations you can do.
In general, one can draw some arrows on a polygon, and try to connect it up into a surface. For the square, we have the following 3: Mobius strips are the easiest to make, and then Klein bottles, and then the real projective plane.

The Klein bottle can be understood via this diagram

The real projective plane is the hardest of the three, but one can make one hands-on via a paper foldable: I made one today! Smoothing this construction out, one gets a Boy's surface. They look very nice
For polygons more complicated than a square, Jos Leys has a lot of videos connecting up various polygons. Mesmerizing to watch! Here are a couple:
Another medium of hands-on activity: you can crochet hyperbolic surfaces! See this TedTalk (
Crocheting Hyperbolic Planes: Daina Taimiņa) and this tutorial video
If 2 dimensions gets too boring, one can go to the third There are now lots of games that have the player play in non-Euclidean (hyperbolic) 3-space.
Hyperbolic geometry in 3-space has no shortage of difficulty: ([HD Upscale] Not Knot - A guide to mathematical knots in hyperbolic space).
There's also this super classic and super awesome video: ([HD Upscale] Outside In - How to turn a sphere inside out). Mathologer also has a video on sphere eversion that I find a bit easier to visualize
Also one can play around with visualizing the 4th dimension
EDIT: there's also Henry Segerman's Youtube channel There are several videos
Another video I found very fun was this one (Using topology to close a rubber band bracelet), which spawned from a discussion on Math Overflow (a Q&A site for professional mathematicians; this video's construction of a rubber band bracelet is cutting edge research!)
EDIT 2/17/24: I came across a beautiful beautiful set of videos (also found here, where people show lots and lots of models of surfaces, and prove some wonderful things. I feel like working with children to make these models, and playing around with deforming them (making many models to illustrate a deformation), would be really cool, and also introduce them to really deep ideas!
One idea that appears over and over again is the Euler characteristic, which is also a great theorem to study in a "hands on" manner with children, making different polyhedron and so forth.