A mathematical proof has (among others) the purpose to convince someone of some fact, given some already established facts.
Whether or not a proof is valid does not depend on who presents it. That is one of the key features of math - it does not matter at all if the "professor knows what he does" or if she sounds clever. If I can't help but agree that the arguments clearly show that the new fact follows from known facts, I have to agree to the new fact as well.
There are however several levels of difficulty, for example:
- Direct proof: showing $A \Rightarrow B$ by showing $A \Rightarrow C_1 \Rightarrow C_2 \Rightarrow \dots \Rightarrow B$
- Proof by contradiction.
- Proof by (complete) induction.
I agree that point 3 is somewhat hard to employ without any prerequisite in logic, but the first two points are doable. I will give examples for each.
There is a huge difference between explaining (or understanding) a proof and finding and writing it down. Since the question is asking about a lecturer explaining a proof, I'll not bother with the latter.
Using the $a \text{ even} \Rightarrow a^2 \text{ even}$ example:
- The lecturer can explain the bigger picture of the proof: "We take any even number and show that its square must also be even".
- The lecturer can remind the students that for even $a$, there exists $k \in \mathbb N$ so that $a = 2k$. Give examples if neccessary. This should be working knowledge already. If not, this has to be considered a gap in mathematical basics and not in logic.
- The manipulation to express $a^2$ in terms of $k$ can be executed by either students or lecturer, leading to $a^2 = 4k^2$ if done correctly -- regardless of whoever did it.
- The last step, showing that the number $4k^2$ is also even because $4k^2 = 2 \cdot k'$ with $k' := 2k^2$ can also be done by the lecturer. This decomposition always works and again does not depend on who does it.
None of these steps requires "deep" understanding" of logic except "simple" implications. But in the end, the students should be able to understand that for any even $a$, also $a^2$ must be even.
It is indeed a completely different story for the students to come up with a similar proof.
Regarding proofs by contradiction: it is important for the students to understand that apart from the cleverly chosen starting fact, each conclusion is right and again does not depend on who presents the reasoning. If one then arrives at a contradiction, the only remaining option is that the premise was wrong.
Let's look at Euler's proof of the fact that there are infinite prime numbers.
- Assume that there are finitely many prime numbers. We don't know yet if this is true or false, but we can assume either.
- If the students have mathematical background about divisors, they must agree that the product of all primes, increased by one, is prime or has a prime divisor that is not in the list we started with. This argument is somewhat complex, but uses only known facts about divisibility.
- The reasoning in point 2 is sound. The only way to fix the error that we did not start with "all primes" is to assume that there is no such thing.
To summarize: Understanding proofs does not require formal knowledge of logic. Common sense is enough, together with the attitude that arguments are not valued by authority.