As a computer science student who writes a lot, wants to publish his own fiction book soon, and who has always done well in his English/humanities classes, I completely understand the animosity that the other engineering students feel for the other side of academia.
From my perspective, the humanities seem useless. Who cares about old dead white men. I program things. I make things. I have a $80k/yr job lined up for me that does not strenuously test my language skills.
Moreover, the classes are easy. The only real English class that I have ever taken involved a 5 page paper every week and it was scaled to a B-. That is a real English class. The five other English classes I took involved the females and some males in the class talking about their feelings. There were maybe two papers and they were maybe a few pages long. I showed up for class maybe twice a semester. Didn't even read the books. Just wrote about feminism and I got my A.
Those five English classes were a waste of my time-- I did not even learn how to write from them, I just learned that I disliked liberals.
It is my opinion that the vast majority of English classes are a waste of time. The humanities department sets out to educate kids and teach them to read and write and think critically. They do not. The majority of humanities classes, not just English, devolve into talking about how white heterosexual males have wronged every imaginable demographic. Many engineers are are also such white heterosexual males. They would probably rather not learn about why their fathers wronged others and how they are currently wronging others through invisible slights.
If the humanities classes were more rigorous and more focused on academic issues and demonstrably challenging, no engineer would ever scoff at the humanities department. They would fear it, like they fear proof-based math.