Though I would encourage you to stick with your previous question Geometric Algebra Resources ...
Short answer - there will not be a Vector Algebra text that addresses Geometric Algebra (GA) at High School level. Vector Algebra texts address 3D vectors. In my experience most High School students are barely equipped for basic 3D vector algebra - let alone 3D GA.
I am also not aware of any high school maths curriculum with enough "free time" to spend the months required to address 3D GA at even a basic level. Therefore I doubt someone would create a text like this designed for high school students.
I have only taught this as an extension for some advanced high-school students, and then only in 2D. For most students, attempting to teach this could be extremely counter productive as it would interfere with their later education when it is someone else's turn to teach them a traditional curriculum. I have shown you part of my methodology in my answer to Geometric Algebra Resources which attempts to augment a traditional curriculum rather than replace traditional vector algebra.