What is the whole point of rounding values? "For brevity, we approximate long decimals by finding the nearest specified place value." (This is copied directly from the slide in my first-day college statistics lecture.) If the expression didn't get shorter, then the student really has missed the whole point, and needs correction. Since it was the same basic error repeated, I would tend to take off the value of one single item (1/4 of the total value for this sequence; i.e, 2 points per your comment).
Secondarily, while mathematically it's true that $32.0000 = 32$, in a practical scientific context that carries different, distinct information. The first expression is saying "this measurement is accurate to the ten-thousandths place", whereas the second is saying "we are only confident of the precision to the units place".
This latter issue is something that I'm not sure my students ever really understand; they may just be going through the motions by rote, which doesn't make me super happy, but we don't have extra time for investigation of instrumentation accuracy.