The examples you give aren't exceptions. The parentheses aren't needed because there is no other way to interpret the expressions.
In applications in engineering and the physical sciences, variables have units associated with them, and the units often disambiguate the expression without the need for parentheses. For example, if $\omega$ has units of radians per second, and $t$ has units of seconds, then $\sin\omega t$ has to be interpreted as $\sin(\omega t)$, not as $(\sin\omega) t$, because the sine function requires a unitless input. Omitting the parentheses is preferable in examples like these because it simplifies the appearance of expressions and makes them easier to parse.
Similarly, if a force $F$ acts on an object of mass $m$ for a time $t$, then, starting from rest, the object is displaced by $Ft^2/2m$. This can only be interpreted as $(Ft^2)/(2m)$, because otherwise the units wouldn't come out to be units of distance. Examples like this aren't just typewriter usages. Built-up fractions that occur inline in a paragraph of text are awkward typographically: $\frac{Ft^2}{2m}$. They either have to be written very small, which makes them hard to read, or they force the spacing of the lines to be uneven, which looks ugly.
These are examples involving physics and units, but more generally, when people read mathematics, they apply their understanding of the content, which could be economics or number theory. People are not computers. Mathematical notation is a human language written for humans to read. Human languages are ambiguous, and that's a good thing. When we don't require all ambiguities to be explicitly resolved, it helps with concision and expressiveness.
Besides the meaning, another factor that resolves ambiguities and allows concise and readable notation is that we have certain conventions that we follow, such as the convention that tells us to write $2x$ rather than $x2$. If someone means $(\sin x)(y)$, then they'll write it as $y\sin x$, not $\sin xy$. There is also a convention that if we have a long chain of multiplications and divisions, such as $abcdefgh/ijklm$, we put all the multiplicative factors to the left of the slash, and then it's understood that we mean $abcdefgh/(ijklm)$. We wouldn't write this as $a/ibc/j/kdef/lgh/m$, which would be extremely difficult to read. We wouldn't interpret $abcdefgh/ijklm$ as $(abcdefgh/i)jklm$, because if that had been the intended meaning, it would have been written like $abcdefghjklm/i$.