I don't teach this course, and I think the desire to have an algorithm this detailed may be an example of the kind of thing that people will start to feel because they're teaching the class but that people in the real world don't actually use. Students want to be told that everything is rule-based, because it makes them feel safer.
When I encounter this kind of thing in a real-world context like physics, I basically reason by analogy, and that pretty much always works.
For example, I know that $\sum n^{-1}$ diverges, but is on the ragged edge of convergence. This tells me that an example like $\sum 1/n\ln n$ may or may not converge (the extra log factor might tip it over the edge). However, if it does converge, it will converge so slowly that it would be useless to try to evaluate in any practical context. So in an application, I'm done. I don't pursue this example any further.
I don't think people in the real world know a list of tests, and in particular they don't think in terms of an "integral test." They think in terms of an integral analogy. If someone asks me to explain how I know that $\sum n^{-1}$ diverges, I'll say, "Oh, it diverges logarithmically." Never mind that what produces a log is the integral, not the sum -- everybody knows what is meant by this.
If for some reason I really wanted to know for sure whether $\sum 1/n\ln n$ converged in theory, the first thing I would do would be to try it in a CAS and see what it said. If it said it diverged, I would believe it. If it said it evaluated to some exact expression, I would also believe it. If it spit out a decimal approximation, I would know not to trust it. When I did this in the CAS Maxima, for this example, it said it didn't know.
OK, so if I really still cared, the next thing I would do would be to try the analogous integral, which in Maxima is integrate(1/(x*log(x)),x,1,inf);
. It tells me it diverges. OK, cool, I'm done if all I want to know is the answer.
In the real-world context I probably don't care about an actual proof, but if I did, I'd see if the CAS could do the indefinite integral. It turns out that it can, and the result is $\ln\ln x$. This shows me that it diverges, but ever so gently. If I care about writing up a human-readable argument to this effect that doesn't depend on sofwtare, then I can check that the derivative of $\ln\ln x$ really is $1/x\ln x$.