Let's say that a given course has $3$ exams that are worth $25\%, 35\%$ and $40\%$ each. When building and correcting the exam, do you give/take out points so that the total sums to $25,35$ or $40$ respectively, or do you score all of them on $100$?
Reasons for a $25,35$ and $40$ scoring system that I can think of:
- Students know right away how much points they have cumulated;
- They know how much points each mistake is worth;
- If the teacher judges that some mistake should be penalized for $1\%$ of the grade each time, then it is always $1$ point out of your total, whatever that total might be.
Reasons for a all on $100\%$ scoring system that I can think of:
- A minus $2$ points might have less chance to get contested than a minus $0.5$.
- Students are more used to $100\%$ scale, and thus can better compare.
- This gives you the opportunity to give variable weights to your exams, should you need it for some reason, or allows for dynamic weighting (Say the best exam of the class or individually is worth more)
What do you guys use and why?