I have to teach someone whose English isn't her native language (and her English skills aren't advanced) the concept of negative numbers + exponents, and how to read scientific / engineering numbers. Do you know of any good website for beginners / children that uses simple English to achieve this?
I googled and couldn't find any website that is simple enough and uncluttered by ads (she might not be able to differentiate the ads from teaching text).
I should mention that I am not a teacher. I'm an expat computational engineer who, in addition to my contractual engineering tasks, has to perform some kind of "technology transfer" to local engineering trainees who don't use English as a first language. Their main skills are CAD / engineering design. They help me with engineering analysis while they learn on the job, but I am tired of having to explain simple math concepts to them. I hope this community might be able to lead me to the resources I need.