Questions tagged [biology]

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2 answers

Book recommendations for Math for Biochemistry Course

I am a mathematics teacher currently teaching at highschool level. I have taught at college level and I do have some preparation about topics such as differential equations and multiple integrals. ...
NotAMathematician's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Activities for biology undergraduates taking integral calculus

After searching for applications of calculus for biology students, I've found that many of the results are all either contrived exercises, or are way over the heads of students that are seeing ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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Good ways of explaining the idea of epsilon-delta limits to bio & chem majors?

I am cross-posting from MSE. The students in my calc classes tend to be primarily bio/chem majors, and not very much math / physics / engineering. I feel like there are pretty good ways to talk ...
Braindead's user avatar
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Advice on studying mathematical biology [closed]

I am really passionate about theoretical and quantitative biology and I would like to build my future career around this topic. I've just got my bachelor's degree in biology (ecology) but scince I've ...
Alana's user avatar
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16 answers

How is calculus helpful for biology majors?

It's common for majors in biology to take calculus courses, and many calculus textbooks (and calculus professors) try to cater to these students by including applications to biology. My question is, ...
Jim Belk's user avatar
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