Questions tagged [functional-analysis]

For questions about functional analysis in infinite-dimensional spaces including concepts of dual spaces, Hahn-Banach, etc.

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13 votes
5 answers

An application-heavy functional analysis textbook?

I took functional analysis from Conway's book. I thought it was just as abstract and dry as homological algebra, if not more. I knew of no applications. Then I learned that standing waves on a drum ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Introducing (Borel) measures via Riesz representation theorem

I think, the most standard way is to introduce measures in real analysis is to define them via the usual properties like $\sigma$-additivity, etc. However, if the students are familiar with ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Functional analysis text for junior-senior math majors?

I am looking for a good book for junior-senior US math majors on functional analysis. Some background and detail: Last semester I taught a special topics course in functional analysis to junior-...
Idempotent's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Mathematics curriculum and book titles to study mathematical analysis for post-grad studies

I am an engineering student trying to study mathematical analysis because it will help me in my post graduate studies. My problem is that when I searched the internet I found that some university ...
Eng_Boody's user avatar
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Which book to use concurrently with each of these mathematics texts?

I'm in search of a good book that I can read --- and recommend to my proteges to read --- along with each one of the following books. Topology by James R. Munkres, 2nd edition Introductory ...
Saaqib Mahmood's user avatar
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Minimum preparation to pass advanced functional analysis?

I have made a big mistake by signing up to an advanced functional analysis class, when I do not have the background. This is my first analysis course ever, and aside from that my math background is ...
Carlos Restituyo Vassallo's user avatar