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Advice on teaching advanced mathematics to high school students

I am a high school student really into algebra and algebraic geometry. I want to expose this sort of math to other high school students that have the motivation and ability. For a long time, I had no ...
John Clever's user avatar
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Curriculum for Advanced 6th Graders

Next year I volunteered to lead the math class for a group of 6th graders (ages 11 - 12). Here are the pertinent details: About 5 - 8 (U.S.) students, for about 45 minutes, 3 days a week (they'll ...
Aeryk's user avatar
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Is there any high school level summer program that teaches Analysis?

All summer programs I know for high-school students focuses on number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, logic, and all kinds of topics in discrete mathematics. (I am mainly interested in UK, US, ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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How to deal with a talented 11-year-old pupil?

Imagine a child aged 11. They have just finished primary education and now moving into secondary education. This child has shown a great mathematical talent/disposition since a very young age. By the ...
WelshGandalf's user avatar
13 votes
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High-school level algebra textbooks for gifted students

Note. I asked the question below on Math Stack Exchange (link), but didn't get a really satisfactory answer there, so I'm posting it here too. I am looking for high school algebra/mathematics ...
Keith's user avatar
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Continuity of classes split between different days

Context: Because of organizational mess, there is a high chance that I'll be preparing a ~3h class for gifted students during a spring-camp (a week-long gathering full of all kinds of nice things to ...
dtldarek's user avatar
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Effects of early study of advanced books

Context: There was recently a question on Math.SE: Inferior to Other Younger and Brighter Kids which starts as follows: I'm a high school student (Junior/Grade 11) and I'm currently studying ...
dtldarek's user avatar
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interesting/challenging geometric constructions for gifted secondary students

I have three students in my secondary geometry class that just destroy everything I throw at them. I tasked them with writing the word problems for their midterms and one of the three wrote simply "...
celeriko's user avatar
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How can I teach Mathematics to genius students?

I'm a Math Teacher for highly talented students in High School. It's hard for me to determine how fast can I move through topics and how deeply can I dive into different math subjects for enhancing ...
souran's user avatar
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Fractal Generation Project: How to Continue?

Three months ago, we defined a programming project for some gifted middle school students: Writing code to generate simple fractals. Two of them have finished writing Pascal programs already! The ...
Behzad's user avatar
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