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Questions tagged [reference-request]

A reference request is a request to be provided with (links to) documentation, official papers, and specs related to one or more specific algorithms or mathematical procedures, to provide a trusted base for what's being said or written.

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9 votes
3 answers

Finding a Linear Algebra reading topic

I'm looking for a linear algebra topic to assign to a group of undergraduate engineering students who are not majoring in mathematics. The assignment should meet the following criteria: The topic ...
Hana's user avatar
  • 91
0 votes
0 answers

References on maxima and minima serving as a pedagogical context to explore and gain a deeper understanding of real functions

The concept of a function is fundamental and plays a crucial role in various areas of mathematics. For instance, Dubinsky and Harel's book, The Concept of Function: Aspects of Epistemology and ...
Humberto José Bortolossi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Literature on mathematical intutiion

Is there any literature on mathematical intuition? I would like to read the following, for example. How to train intuition? How to test intuition?
Monday's user avatar
  • 47
1 vote
0 answers

Book or curriculum for teaching base-16 numeral system to elementary, middle, or high school children?

In 1862, John W. Nystrom promoted the base-16 (hexadecimal) number system, which he called the "tonal system": Project of a New System of Arithmetic, Weight, Measure and Coins: Proposed to ...
Geremia's user avatar
  • 171
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a mathematics core assessment rubric?

Many universities in USA ask their faculty to perform a "core assessment" where they evaluate (typically) freshman students, near the end of semester, on their understanding of the courses ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Some whiteboard program specialized for "typing" with latex support

Answers to the Previou question seem to suggest some whiteboard programs with latex support. However, my impression is that they are mostly designed for "handwriting" with some electrical ...
Keith's user avatar
  • 133
4 votes
4 answers

Are some natural languages better for expressing mathematical concepts than others?

I don't know if this is the best stack exchange for this question, but I couldn't think of a better one. Please migrate it to an appropriate stack exchange, if this one is not appropriate. Anyway, my ...
user107952's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How did Grigori Perelman , got all the necessary theory and materials to prove the Poincaré conjecture?

The Poincaré conjecture is one of the millennium problems which have been solved by the famous mathematician Grigori Perelman . As per I know he worked on the problem in isolation for 8 years. I ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

ADHD superfocus and motivation for mathematics

I am almost surely ADHD, although undiagnosed. I have colleagues in mathematics who also are, but diagnosed. I have an extremely talented and successful graduate student who is (diagnosed) ADHD. It is ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

"Tools" (literarily) for solving linear or quadratic equations

Since a few weeks, I teach as a tutor (not from that school) a support course in a German 9/10 class. I quickly noticed a horrible lack of basics. (Partly based on just different names - I had to ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Utillizing Lakatos' "Proofs and Refutations" in Secondary Education

These days I am reading Imre Lakatos's Proofs and Refutations and I can't stop thinking how one could utilize it in the classroom (mostly high school). Some stray half-baked ideas I have had so far ...
Vassilis Markos's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

What are some good books on mathematical pedagogy?

I suspect that; just as one must "do" mathematics to learn mathematics, one must have practice teaching mathematics to become a great mathematics instructor. Still, a good book on ...
Mithrandir's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Course materials for developing a mathematical theory from "natural questions to ask"

Educational setting. I'm teaching math courses - typically consisting of lectures, weekly homework sheets, and an exercise class where the homework questions are discussed - for undergraduate and ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Theory-practice order vs practice-theory

I heard that there were some studies on what is the best order for teaching math. But I cannot find any papers (probably my English is too poor to google this paper correctly). As I heard idea was: ...
Семён Юрченко's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Studies on the change in effectiveness of pedagogical practices over time

Are there any studies that have investigated this question? Why certain pedagogical practices that used to be effective up to a few years ago, may suddenly become less or even no longer effective? I ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Research into how students read algebraic expressions

In answering another question What is the justification to teach the (redundant) use of parentheses in multiplications? I was left wondering what we actually know about students' progression in terms ...
TomKern's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

About instructor's manual in math textbooks: principles, design, uses and impact

It is common that school math textbooks are supplemented with instructor's materials (answers, hints and guidelines). Are there scientific studies on how instructor's materials impact math teaching? ...
Humberto José Bortolossi's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Is it nonsensical to try to 'prove' Euler's 'formula' in real numbers? What is Wikipedia/proofwiki even doing? [closed]

Edit re the close vote: I guess this 1 of those questions whose on-topic-ness depends on the answer. If the answer is no, then well maybe it's off-topic. But if the answer is yes, then I believe it's ...
BCLC's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Where can I find a collection of bad/misleading data visualizations?

Are there any collections or blogs of bad data visualizations? I know I've seen such misleading graphics in the news or in print, made misleading either maliciously or thoughtlessly, but I usually see ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Real-world applications of taxicab metric

The taxicab metric can be used to measure distances in idealized gridded cities. However, usually this serves only as a fun exercise for students. I'm looking for engaging (as non-technical as ...
Paula's user avatar
  • 251
10 votes
10 answers

What are examples of math-themed sci-fi appropriate for students?

What are examples of sci-fi books or short stories that have a mathematics theme? I'd like to have a pool of examples in mind that I could refer students to. The only example I've got in mind right ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Resource for International Comparison of Math Education Logistics

Are there resources that compares/lists crunchy facts about the logistics of math education in different regions or countries? I'm talking facts like: Do they use paper homework versus and online ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Ball rolling down curve simulator

I am preparing a seminar on mathematical discovery for beginner's students, and one of the topics I plan to cover is the brachistocronic/tautochronic curve. For this purpose, I would like to let the ...
M Carl's user avatar
  • 183
3 votes
0 answers

Where can I find examples of statistics projects? [duplicate]

I am going to teach an undergraduate statistics course for the first time next semester. I would like students to do a project by applying some of the things they learned to real-world data. Is there ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

For 15 year olds, are there exercises — with full solutions — on the Fence Post or Off by One error?

Which books contain practice questions — preferably with full solutions — to assist 15 year olds with the Fence Post or Off by One error? Most students at my institution have not heard of this name, ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Where can I find the solutions manual to Beginning Statistics with Data Analysis by Mosteller, Fienberg and Rourke?

I am planning to teach a course on Statistics using Beginning Statistics with Data Analysis by Mosteller, Fienberg and Rourke. On page xii of the book, the authors said "A solutions manual is ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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19 votes
9 answers

What is the rationale for distinguishing between proper and improper fractions?

I cannot recall ever hearing the terms "improper fraction" and "proper fraction" outside of an elementary and middle school setting. At some point in my mathematics education ...
Improve's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Are there research studies that attempt to determine the value of a "Growth Mindset?"

A "growth mindset" can be defined this way, see this article: In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have ...
Chris Cunningham's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

What studies exist, comparing the efficacy of exercise sheets with or without worked solutions?

I've been tutoring mathematics at university level for over 10 years, and one of the more common requests from students is worked solutions for sheets of exercises. Most educators I've worked with ...
Theo Bendit's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Are there measurements of how much mathematics people remember after high-school?

These days I got curious about something: Are there measurements of how much mathematics people remember after high-school?
Red Banana's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Research on Waldorf/Steiner mathematics education

I am mildly interested in research on mathematics education in the Waldorf/Steiner educational context, primarily in the upper secondary school setting, but not exclusively. Information about Waldorf/...
Damian Reding's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reference request: an introduction to triangular, square, and other figurate numbers

There are dozens (maybe thousands) of websites that explain what triangular numbers, square numbers, etc. are. I'm searching for a printed book that includes this material, preferably at a level that ...
mweiss's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Highly intuitive yet comprehensive and easily readable (student friendly) book on linear algebra which do not focus much on applications, just basics

I came to know about Gilbert Strang's two books, "Introduction to Linear Algebra" and "Linear Algebra and its Applications". The first is the one used as the text in the 18.06 ...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

An intuitive (non rigorous) text book on graph theory which is student friendly with vivid illustrations

Background Hello, I am an undergraduate in CS. I would like to study Graph Theory on my own (self-study) for a competitive examination (named GATE). It is an examination for undergraduates and as such,...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
25 votes
7 answers

How do you coach students who often make small errors?

Some students are prone to making small calculation errors. Not errors in understanding, but errors like adding or multiplying integers incorrectly, or dropping a negative sign. Unsystematic errors in ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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64 votes
17 answers

Is there a virtue to learning how to compute by hand?

I have been professionally tutoring a wide range of students (from elementary school through graduate school) for many years. Most of them are from the United States. I generally focus on helping my ...
Geoffrey's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Reference on study habits; cramming vs studying a bit every day

I am teaching Linear Algebra this semester, with pre-recorded classes and weekly meetings, and the students have a few short and simple exercises to solve every week, which count a bit (20%) to their ...
Luiz Cordeiro's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there any video lecture series on Graph Theory which uses "Introduction to Graph Theory" by Douglas West? as the text

I am interested in learning graph theory, and from many resources I came to know that Douglas West's Introduction to Graph Theory is a good textbook. But since I am doing self-study, it is at times ...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Sensible amount of repetition 7 year old

We are now in lock-down, so while homeschooling my son I get to se exactly what he does for math. He has been getting a huge amount of repetitive practicing of really simple math, despite being quite ...
Ivana's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Seeking references for why it is good that students understand why mathematical rules work

I am currently advising a student at his final project (it is a graduation course for people who will become math teachers). We've chosen to pick some basic mathematical rules which are (or at least ...
Anderson Brasil's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Effects of AI based education in mathematics in PISA like studies

One of the biggest revolutions in education in the last few years seems to be the use of artificial intelligence to offer adaptive individualized learning environments as done by companies like ...
student's user avatar
  • 181
9 votes
6 answers

Statistics, for the mathematically rigorous

I don't know where I can find a rigorous statistics course or textbook. The closest thing I can think of is measure-theoretic probability theory, but I wouldn't really call that "statistics"....
John Clever's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Reference request for 1960s-1970s Australia/NZ primary-level textbooks

Where could I find a list, and ideally discussion, of primary school mathematics schemes (textbook series) in common use in Australia and New Zealand in the period immediately following decimalization ...
Dave's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Measuring the effectiveness of one-on-one instruction?

I've been recently thinking a lot about what would be the "best possible instruction method", and in regards to that, I've been drawn the question of what would be possible if a student had ...
yoniLavi's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

A video game for teaching the concept of a mathematical proof

Two students in my game development course would like, as a final project, to develop a video game for teaching mathematics. In contrast to the many other games for teaching maths, which focus mainly ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Choice of textbook for an undergraduate abstract algebra course

Currently a 5th year PhD student, and I've been fighting tooth and nail to teach one of our junior-year honors sections in undergraduate algebra next fall (desperately hopeful we'll be able to return ...
jons_stupid_questions's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Recommendation for Discrete Mathematics

I'm taking a Mathematical Structures course as a 2nd year math major. Our course textbook is Discrete mathematics and Its Applications, by Rosen. It's been very difficult finding good content on ...
Lex_i's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

References for visualizing numbers in base 10 flats

Base 10 blocks (units, rods, flats and cubes) are a widespread manipulative material for teaching place value. However, piling rods on top of each other is not very stable, so it is not easy to build ...
Jaume Oliver Lafont's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a study on how often modern teaching methods versus traditional methods are used in a math classes?

Most of the students I've encountered seem to have had the same sort of math education I've had, the standard lecture, book readings, homework problems and exams. In my own experience and in my ...
David Elm's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Fear of notation and hazily-appeared writing in Mathematics

I am looking for literature related to fear of notation in mathematics. It is even heard that the font size and font type make a reader reluctant to study mathematical literature, often lecture notes,...
Consider Non-Trivial Cases's user avatar

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