I was just now working on my presentation for the [Joint Mathematics Meetings in January][1], and put together links to some blogs that have great resources. Check out: - [ThinkThankThunk][3] - [Sam Shah's blog][4] - [Math Teacher Mambo][5] (Link is to one project. Search on calculus for more.) - [Math Mama Writes][5] (This is my blog. Link is to my favorite project. [I also recommend this][6].) [1]: http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/jmm [2]: http://bowmandickson.com/ [3]: http://shawncornally.com/wordpress/?page_id=306 [4]: http://%20http://samjshah.com/tag/calculus/ [5]: http://mathteachermambo.blogspot.com/2015/06/calculus-final-project.html [6]: http://mathmamawrites.blogspot.com/2014/01/calculus-solids-of-revolution.html