I heard [this news story][1] about Professor Ethan Mollick, who addressed this problem by *requiring* students to work with ChatGPT to write their essays. This involved improving its drafts, looking up sources, stuff like that. Other educators are doing so as well, per [this ABC news story.][2] Can you do something similar? Give students the option to turn in ChatGPT's response, but they have to *say* that is was generated this way, and either explain why it's wrong, or prove somehow that it's correct (like with a different method of solving). [1]: https://www.zdnet.com/article/this-professor-asked-his-students-to-use-chatgpt-the-results-were-surprising/ [2]: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/amid-chatgpt-outcry-teachers-inviting-ai-class-97163931