9 votes

Teaching Solving Linear Equations before teaching evaluating expressions

I hope this does not come across as overly harsh: I do not think that thinking of teaching as "covering material" in a particular order is a useful framework. If your students are solving ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
7 votes

What is accelerated developmental math education, and is it a good idea?

Accelerated developmental education includes a variety of mechanisms to shorten time students spend in remediation. It can include: Batching together multiple courses of remediation in one semester (...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
6 votes

Algebra/trig/precalculus review questions that elicit common student errors

I made a handout with 10 true false questions, titled Algebra Temptations. I've put it on google drive here. I have students work in groups to decide which are true. I think it makes a good activity, ...
Sue VanHattum's user avatar
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4 votes

Algebra/trig/precalculus review questions that elicit common student errors

A common example is that students think that $\sqrt{ab}=\sqrt a \sqrt b$ for all $a,b$; try tricking them by saying that $1=\sqrt{1}=\sqrt{-1\cdot -1} = \sqrt{-1}\sqrt{-1} = i\cdot i = -1$. Similarly ...
D.R's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a remedial college textbook that includes basic logic?

You might be able to find a "math appreciation" or "math for elementary education majors" type of text that works for you. Around 1993-1996 I taught perhaps 12 to 15 semester courses from an earlier ...
Dave L Renfro's user avatar
2 votes

Concentrations of Adult Math Phobia

Hatred is not equal to phobia (fear). Not meant to nit, but being precise helps in the issue analysis. I suspect that those who are better at math, like it more (hate it less) and fear it less. [OK, ...
guest's user avatar
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2 votes

Advice and Remedial Algebra Resources for Students Committed to Calculus

I know this doesn't directly answer your question which is about helping one student. But I would be wanting to see my institution implement sections of calculus with support. This blog addresses that ...
Sue VanHattum's user avatar
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2 votes

Teaching Solving Linear Equations before teaching evaluating expressions

Your context is students who have not learned much from the mathematics education they have been exposed to thus far. I guess, but can not be sure, that they have already been exposed to someone ...
Tommi's user avatar
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