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Real-life problems involving solving triangles

There are many real-life problems involving solving triangles in "Trigonometry for the Practical Man" by James Edgar Thompson. Here are some from Chapter 5: Problem 1 From the top of a ...
Mike Z.'s user avatar
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16 votes

Why is it written $\tan^{-1}$?

It's the functional inverse rather than the multiplicative inverse. Somewhere along the way, notation arrived at function composition being written as $f(f(x))=f^2(x)$, so the functional inverse ...
Adam's user avatar
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10 votes

Why is it written $\tan^{-1}$?

I will start by noting that I have written an answer to a similar question on Mathematics SE, and would direct you towards that answer for some additional discussion. In my precalculus class, I tend ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
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9 votes

What is this symbol called?

Please check the entire Greek alphabet, as you can find it in this Wikipedia page: I must add that there are two ways to write the letter $phi$ in MathJax ...
Dominique's user avatar
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What is this symbol called?

That's lowercase Greek phi, pronounced with an initial f sound and rhyming with English pie, lie or sky. That said, some speakers may pronounce it rhyming with English see, key or me. See https://en.m....
J W's user avatar
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8 votes

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

I’ve got one very specific answer to this question, because I had to dust off my old trigonometry knowledge just yesterday. I tell it as a real-world use of what I had to learn in school out of left ...
Boldewyn's user avatar
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5 votes

Symmetry in polar functions - how to explain

A given point with polar coordinates $(r, \theta)$ has a doubly infinite set of representations $(r,\theta+2n\pi)$ and $(-r,\theta+(2n+1)\pi)$, for integer $n$. When checking for symmetry they should ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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4 votes

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

Triangulation (Wikipedia link) has a wide variety of real-world uses. As a wildlife ecologist, a particularly fun one I can think of is wildlife radio telemetry (Wikipedia link). In this case, a radio ...
anjama's user avatar
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3 votes

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

One of the classic problems is have them calculate the height of a building. This can be your school building if you want. Given a tall enough building, or an irregularly shaped building, pulling a ...
slebetman's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is it written $\tan^{-1}$?

Once we understand the reason $\tan^{-1}$ can mean the inverse tangent and that most people prefer to write this function as $\arctan$, your neighbor's daughter's question brings up an issue that ...
KCd's user avatar
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3 votes

Symmetry in polar functions - how to explain

If we applied two tests for each symmetry (one with 𝑟 and one with −𝑟 ), are there any equations that would still "get away" undetected? This is a question that came up recently in my ...
Brian Sterr's user avatar
2 votes

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

A caveat: I work in computer vision, so my perspective my be a little biased by a desire to "evangelize" on a currently hot topic. Students these days spend a lot of spare time looking at ...
Francesco Callari's user avatar
2 votes

Interesting Trigonometry problems

I would like to suggest following challenges, Geometric proof of sum and product of three tangents of a triangle are equal for obtuse-angled triangles. (
Janaka Rodrigo's user avatar
2 votes

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

Squares and hexagons can be decomposed into triangles. This opens up a lot of practical problems that I encounter, such as: What is the largest hexagon that can fit into a circle? (you just need the ...
NuclearFission's user avatar
2 votes

What is this symbol called?

For such a query, you might find it quicker to use one of the following tools: Google Image Reverse Search: Navigate to and upload an image of the symbol. Google will display similar ...
LeafGlowPath's user avatar
1 vote

Real-life problems involving solving triangles

Most college textbooks for trig have some good problems. (For example, see page 43 of this pdf: (When you get to sine ...
Sue VanHattum's user avatar
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How to teach relationship between slopes and angles?

Maybe start discussion with photos something like: Sign indicating a 10% grade at the base of hill. What does it mean? Picture ...
Dan Christensen's user avatar
1 vote

Symmetry in polar functions - how to explain

If a textbook gives symmetry tests for graphs of polar equations without stating that they are sufficient but not necessary, that's a glaring omission, in my opinion. I looked through several books, ...
Justin Hancock's user avatar

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