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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about the teaching of the function concept, function properties, and various types of functions.
68 questions
66 questions
For questions about the study and teaching of abstract algebra, including topics such as groups, rings, fields, and vector spaces.
64 questions
Questions related to the use of various kinds of software for learning and teaching mathematics.
64 questions
Questions about books that can be used by instructors, administrators, or students as resources in mathematic-educational situations.
63 questions
For questions related to creating, categorizing and identifying appropriate problems as well as the benefits of problem solving and related pedagogy including motivation.
61 questions
For questions about effectively motivating and teaching the concepts of trigonometry, including the unit circle, the sin/cos/tan functions, and other related ideas.
58 questions
Interactive teaching is a pedagogical approach that incorporates things like social networking and computing into course design and delivery.
55 questions
For questions related to the issue of concepts of definitions.
55 questions
For questions about differential and integral calculus with more than one independent variable.
53 questions
For questions about the teaching of fractions and their interpretations. Fractions are numbers of the form $p/q$, where $p$ and $q \neq 0$ are integers.
50 questions
For questions related to the teaching of number theory, the part of mathematics concerned with properties of the positive integers.
48 questions
For questions about overseeing, directing, motivating, and effectively controlling student behavior while in the classroom.
46 questions
For questions how to design and create questions, exercises and examples.
45 questions
Use of language in communicating mathematics. Includes all kinds of languages: spoken, written, symbolic etc. There is a separate tag for terminology, which is a narrow subfield of language use.
44 questions
For questions on the use of mathematics in science, industry and everyday life.
43 questions
For questions related to the teaching of integral calculus
42 questions
For questions related to applications of mathematics and the teaching thereof.
42 questions
For questions concerning the history of mathematical education and the use of historical topics in teaching mathematics.
41 questions
For questions about involving undergraduate (university) students in creative mathematical research.
40 questions
For questions about giving students written tests, typically in a classroom setting.
39 questions
For questions about designing effective tests and writing exam problems.
37 questions
For questions about "gifted" students, i.e. students who are talented, motivated, and predisposed to studying mathematics.
36 questions
Questions about the process of preparing pre-service (or supporting in-service) teachers for duties related to classroom instruction in mathematics.
36 questions
For question regarding the properties and evaluation of limits.
36 questions
For questions about discrete mathematical structures and applying to courses with the title "Discrete Mathematics" or equivalent. Since this tag is fairly broad, consider using a more specific tag if …
33 questions
For questions related to the use of mathematics or mathematical arguments in daily life.
29 questions
For questions about teaching complex (numbers like $z = a + b \cdot i$ where $\left\{ a,\, b \right\} \in \mathbb{R} \wedge i^{2} = -1$) numbers.
29 questions
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