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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about teaching students at the undergraduate (university) level.
853 questions
For questions about teaching mathematics in secondary education (in most countries approx. ages 10-18).
641 questions
For questions on general considerations and problems of teaching mathematics, such as issues specific to teaching mathematics that are relevant in various contexts or courses.
482 questions
For questions applying to calculus courses. Topics include derivatives, integrals, limits, continuity, series, application questions, etc.
413 questions
A reference request is a request to be provided with (links to) documentation, official papers, and specs related to one or more specific algorithms or mathematical procedures, to provide a trusted ba…
266 questions
Algebra is the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
249 questions
Questions about comparison of textbooks, the use of textbooks in mathematical education, requests about textbooks dealing with a specific topic in a specific way.
241 questions
For questions related to geometric shapes, congruences, similarities, transformations, as well as the properties of classes of figures, points, lines, angles.
196 questions
For questions about mathematical proofs in an educational context.
195 questions
For questions about the mathematical education in the first years in school (ages approx. 5-10).
192 questions
Questions about how someone learns on their his or her own, outside of traditional classroom environments.
161 questions
Questions on software (including web-based one) for teaching and related to teaching and the relevant hardware. Video and audio for the classroom. Usage of electronic tools in teaching.
144 questions
For questions about creating a new course or altering the format of an existing course.
142 questions
For questions about examples for some mathematical subject – usually for purposes of motivation and illustration.
141 questions
For questions concerning the motivation of students and helping them to motivate for their study in general.
137 questions
For questions about contents, order, background, alternatives in curricula.
121 questions
For questions how to motivate a mathematical concept (i.e., the motivation and examples of definitions, theorems, etc.) or general concepts of mathematics. Please use the [student-motivation] tag for …
120 questions
intended for questions about exams as viewed from the point of view of an instructor.
117 questions
117 questions
How words are used in mathematics or mathematics education
112 questions
Questions about education research are related to the various social scientific research work being done in areas related to mathematics education.
100 questions
For questions about good use of notation, comparison of specific notation, motivation of notation.
100 questions
For questions applying to analysis courses: Real and complex analysis. Typically a higher and more proof-based level than calculus.
99 questions
For questions related to linear mappings, matrices, basis, determinants, eigenvalues and other topics commonly done in a linear algebra course.
98 questions
For questions about exercise groups; tutors, TAs, exercise group leaders and everything related to that.
89 questions
For questions related to studies for graduate or more-advanced students and courses.
88 questions
For questions investigating students mistakes, clarifying their origin and asking for advice to fix or improve the mistakes.
84 questions
Grading questions ask how to properly, effectively, and fairly assign grades to assignments/exams/quizzes.
84 questions
For questions about the practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, for instance for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representat…
78 questions
Assessment questions ask how to properly, effectively, and efficiently ascertain the abilities of students. This doesn't necessarily involve numerical grades, but rather is focused on an overall chara…
78 questions
Courses designed to prepare students for subsequent calculus courses
75 questions
For questions touching upon pedagogical considerations and problems of a general nature, i.e., not specific to mathematics. Please note that some aspect of the question should still be related to math…
75 questions
For questions concerning homework, such as good problems for specific topics, amount and difficulty of homework, grading homework, cheating
74 questions
For questions about teaching mathematics online and online resources.
72 questions
For questions about the teaching of probability, dealing with students misconceptions in probability, and explaining probability theory paradoxes.
72 questions
For questions that (at least in part) are specific to the United States of America.
71 questions
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