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J W's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
0 votes

Finding a Linear Algebra reading topic

4 votes

How to choose a textbook that is pedagogically optimal for oneself?

5 votes

Questions about writing a Linear Algebra textbook, with Earth Science applications

5 votes

Undergraduate-level abstract algebra books or courses that don't start with groups or rings

9 votes

What is this symbol called?

2 votes

Math tools for restructured lectures

7 votes

Help finding a YouTube channel for Linear Algebra

7 votes

Why don't exercises ask readers to discover results themselves, before requiring proof? Why disclose the result in the question?

4 votes

Write $y=\sqrt{3+x}$ as the composite of two functions

5 votes

Which books on geometry and topology are best for teaching an intro graduate course?

5 votes

What is the best way to introduce Laplace transforms on an Engineering Mathematics course?

5 votes

How do people 'master' a subject? What is the difference with 'memorizing' (not purely memorizing, but rather having it drilled inside the brain) it?

2 votes

How to explain the difference between a constant function and a linear function?

13 votes

Teaching LU Factorization in a sophomore-level Linear Algebra course

3 votes

Resources for mathematics for sustainability

2 votes

Study multiple subjects at the same time or deep dive into one?

0 votes

Computational topology for engineers

2 votes

Recommend a vector calculus textbook/resource with an algebraic geometry flavor

2 votes

Complex analysis books/resources where solutions are difficult to find

2 votes

Advice on teaching abstract algebra and logic to high-school students

1 vote

Teaching number theory: geometric approach

3 votes

Applications of abstract algebra outside of mathematics and suitable textbook

7 votes

Struggling with Math Skills and When to Quit

2 votes

Number theory for self-study students: books and computer languages

4 votes

Refreshing math knowledge

1 vote

Have there been attempts to base early math education on category theory?

4 votes

Math 3d animation software

4 votes

Make a matrix algebra course (1st university year) more "project-based"

4 votes

What do I study in calculus beyond the minimum required for undergraduate engineering?

3 votes

Elementary physics course for pure math student