I trudged through Pearson's site and found that Lay's Analysis with an Intro. to Proof has PowerPoint slides on their resources page. You'll have to get an account with them to download the files, but I think that the process is straightforward for anyone who is veritablyverifiably a faculty member.
I know nothing about this book or the slides, pro or con. It does look like the only such book on Pearson's site. (Many others have problem solutions, but no slides.) You should try other publishers such as Cengage or Wiley as well.
I think that the reason that you are getting push-back about this is that lecturing from slides is a fairly atypical approach for what is usually an upper-level proof-based course and is often taught by someone whose research is or was in the area.
Like others, I wouldn't advocate this approach in a normal semester. However, in the comments is is mentioned that this is a 5 week online summer course. It doesn't seem comparable to a normal semester at all; you hopefully have made the learning goals a bit more achievable. Best of luck to you and your students.