This question is related to How can I motivate the formal definition of continuity? Imagine a student asks the question why it is worth it to study continuity. What is a good response to this question?
My attempt to answer the question: I would argue that there are two main reasons to study continuity:
- Continuous functions have "beautiful" properties like the intermediate value property (for connected domains), the limit can be put inside the function (i.e. $\lim_{n\to\infty} f(x_n) = f(\lim_{n\to\infty} x_n)$), compositions like sums and products of continuous functions are again continuous etc.
- In topology continuous functions are exactly those functions which preserve topological structures.
However, the second reason can only be fully understand when the student already has studied topology.
Did I miss something? How would you argue why continuity is important for mathematics?