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Can mathematics be learned ONLY by solving problems?

Here is the concept:

  1. Student is presented with a problem. He/she may not even understand what is being asked, or may attempt.

  2. Students reads a solution to the problem. In it there may be explanations about concepts - so there is a "content" part, but as part of an actual problem being solved, at the level the student is currently at.

  3. If answer is correct, moves on to the next problem.

  4. When a set of problems of a given topic is consistently correct (say 10 out of 10 consecutive questions), student is given the next topic, or the next difficulty level.

Point being: At no point is there a proper "lesson".

What are your views about such an approach, compared with lesson-solve, lesson-solve, etc.

(Thank you Joel Reyes Noche and brendansullivan07 for your comments on my previous question - I deleted it)