Recently I am using Moodle to create problems with randomized parameters. In Moodle, there is so-called Calculated questions that let me do this in a straightforward way. For example, I can simply type: "Evaluate $$\int_{{a}}^{{b}}(x^{2}+{c}x+{d})dx$$
" for which the output is something like: "Evaluate
Here the numbers $2,7,-4,3$ are generated randomly by Moodle. Thus each student would receive a different problem. Of course, Moodle also allows me to input the answer for this problem: (-2*pow({a},3) - 3*pow({a},2)*{c} - 6*{a}*{d} + {b}*(2*pow({b},2) + 3*{b}*{c} + 6*{d}))/6
so that the students can check their work right after they type down the answer and I can also assess the student's work automatically.
However, Moodle only allows me to set one output value for each problem. For example, I would like to create a problem having several outputs, like: "Let $f(x)=x^{2}+\sqrt{9-x^{2}}+7$. The greatest integer number in the domain of $f$ is $\boxed{\text{a blank box to type the answer here}}$ and the greatest integer number in the range of $f$ is $\boxed{\text{a blank box to type the answer here}}$". Here the numbers $9$ and $7$ are also generated randomly.
I do not know how to do this in Moodle. Note that in Moodle there is so-called Embedded answers (Cloze) question that allows multiple outputs, however it does not allow randomized parameters.
My question: How do we create a question like in the above example with randomized parameters and several outputs for which we are also able to assess the student's work automatically?
For this, I mean that we can use any platform (not necessarily Moodle). Doing a research I found that we may use some PHP codes to do this in Moodle, see here. But I haven't got this work on my own, probably due to a lack of PHP experience (I think with some suggestions it would be alright). Another way is to install a plugin from Wiris, however I am not authorised to do this on my Moodle system.