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1st time math teacher 1st test feedback appreciated

I'm not a math teacher but I've stepped into the role to assist a small private school who lost their math teacher during the holidays (I'm a mechanical engineer by trade). The course is Algebra 1 (...
Dan S's user avatar
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2 answers

As a tutor, should I make students who did badly on timed, closed book past paper tests, do the exact same test again?

As a maths tutor, when I set tests (past papers in particular), if a student does poorly (~50/60% or below), obviously some topics need to be retaught. But should I make them do the exact same test - ...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
12 votes
12 answers

How should I grade true-or-false questions if the student's writing is unclear?

See the attached image: I am having a difficult time grading this paper as I am not sure if the student intentionally wrote the answers in such a way that each answer looks like both "T" (...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Quiz in locked mode without managed Chromebooks?

Google Forms enables locked mode (where students cannot move to other tabs or apps without submitting the form) only if students use certain laptops called Chromebooks. I'm looking for any platform to ...
V. Bard's user avatar
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Measuring ones mathematics ability regularly - how to avoid getting better at the tests

This question might not suit the site, if so I apologise. I'd like to regularly test my maths skills, essentially finding out if I'm getting better or worse at a maths in general and then plot the ...
user6916458's user avatar
32 votes
13 answers

What is the mathematical value of children learning and being tested on Roman numerals?

My 11 year old child recently took an important numeracy test. One of the questions required her to know that M = 1000 in Roman numerals. This made me very angry: I could not see how this relatively ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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Software for randomizing multiple choice tests

I would like to give multiple choice tests with randomized questions and order of the answers that is unique for each test, to be printed and given on paper sheets. Is there a software that would do ...
Marco Disce's user avatar
5 votes
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Should tests given after the drop date be made less difficult in order to help the remaining students raise their grades? [closed]

It is that time of the semester again (after the final drop date) and my colleagues and I are once again having the discussion on whether or not the two remaining tests should be made so they are less ...
Todd Thomas's user avatar
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How can I encourage my students to team work?

I have a motto, "My class is not an Olympic swimming pool! It is a museum full of the masterwork paintings! Relax and enjoy all of this mathematical beauty which I am drawing on the blackboard!" By ...
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14 votes
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What are effective alternatives to a written math exam to evaluate knowledge?

Some students do not do well under pressure or testing situations and cannot demonstrate their knowledge of a math subject with a written exam. On the other hand, I think that students that do not ...
Felix Y.'s user avatar
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How can I estimate the length of an exam?

Background: I am fairly new at teaching, and in every subject I have taught, I have had difficulty estimating the length and difficulty of an exam. I need to write an exam for a university senior-...
Brian Rushton's user avatar