I am trying to find the correct math term to describe the relationship between equations that have the same “form.” I used the word form but was told that it was incorrect. Let me give you an example of what I refer to as the same form. There are 3 equations:
EQ1: X = a + b + c+ zY.
EQ2: X = a + b + c + d + e + wY.
EQ3: X = a + b + c+ + d + e + f + g + uY.
Each equation can be said to have 3 sections: Section A [X], Section B [series of summation of values] and Section C [value times variable Y]. I can show that a characteristic of one of the equations [A - C does not equal B, since B does not contain variables X, Y] is representative of all the equations since they have the same form: Sections A, B and C.
The examples are just for discussion. They are not meant to be actual math problems.
What is the correct math term for this sentence: “All the equations have “the same” / ”a similar” [blank], so the results shown for equation 1 represent the result for all of the equations.”