Nearly everything in Euclidean geometry comes down to a divide-and-conquer approach:
- Reduce the question to a question about triangles.
- Use our extensive knowledge of triangles to answer it.
Several people have mentioned coordinate geometry, but ultimately that, too, comes down to our basic ideas about triangles. Without establishing those we haven't distinguished Euclidean geometry from, say, hyperbolic geometry, so we wouldn't be able to conclude anything nontrivial about our coordinates.
If there's a problem here it's not the material, but perhaps that students see this as a grab-bag of disconnected facts instead of the basis of all the math they're going to use in the future. Every single math class from here on out relies on a strong understanding of triangles, and that becomes more and more pronounced as things progress:
In calc 1 they'll learn to show that
$$\lim_{x \to 0} \dfrac{\sin(x)}{x} = 1$$
using a geometric argument and the squeeze theorem, in order to determine that
$$\dfrac{d}{dx} \sin(x) = \cos(x).$$
In calc 2 they'll need a solid grasp of trig so that they can take integrals like
$$\int \dfrac{1}{1 + x^2} \, dx = \tan^{-1}(x).$$
In vector calculus they'll need to be able to convert between cartesian, polar, and spherical coordinates and understand why, say,
$$dx \, dy \, dz = r^2 \sin \phi \, dr \, d\phi \, d\theta$$
and moreover they'll need to be able to parametrize a given region in three-dimensional space in, say, spherical coordinates.
In differential equations (or possibly a physics or engineering class) they'll need to grasp the Fourier transform.
In linear algebra they'll learn about inner products in finite dimensions.