Are there any good pedagogical resources or articles that you would recommend to math graduate student teaching assistants (TAs)? Is there any sweeping advice that you would give a TA to improve their effectiveness in discussion? I'm asking this because TAs usually play a very different role in teaching than the primary instructor, so a lot of general resources for math teachers/instructors won't apply to them.
TAs don't have much control over the content of the discussion section: it just depends on what the students are learning in lecture that week. Also TAs have varying control over what they do in the discussion section: some primary instructors are hands-off while others will make a worksheet or quiz or something for discussion.
Typically graduate students are much more interested on their research than learning to teach, so they don't want to spend much time reading about it (so recommending full books to read is not the best idea).
Despite these limitations, there must be something that would be beneficial for a graduate TAs to read and think about to improve their effectiveness as a TA.