Similar question as in Academia StackExchange except education instead of academia.
High reputation on a technical Stack Exchange site might indicate that you're a good teacher of that subject, since well-explained, easy-to-understand answers tend to get higher reputation.
Paraphrasing (or whatever is the term to change words of another to suit an analogous situation)
I'm due to start my PhD in mathematics education next month, fully funded by a scholarship, at an average university, I'll be specialising in how language affects mathematical definitions, and I have a strong First in Mathematics from a Russell group university. My goal is to become a kindergarten/primary/secondary maths teacher and an academic.
This is my Mathematics Stack Exchange (MSE) profile. I've been an active user since 201X, visiting pretty much daily, but my reputation is currently just [4 digits] and I haven't used MathOverflow at all (as the questions there every time I visit, which isn't that often, are beyond me). This seems quite low. Should this worry me?