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Questions tagged [problem-solving]

For questions related to creating, categorizing and identifying appropriate problems as well as the benefits of problem solving and related pedagogy including motivation.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Solved , open problems and levels of difficulty

What are the advantages and wins of solving already solved problems? Does it help me know how to become better at problem solving and test my abilities on it? Does it help me become better and have ...
plants's user avatar
  • 159
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Request for IBL Script for Putnam-type Problem Solving Course

One of the major benefits of a good IBL script is that it effectively organizes the experience of students so that their effort does not need to be used on such organization. A good script leads from ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Quality of a solution in mathematics

How can you determine a quality of a solution for a mathematics problem in general ? If you try to explain too much then solution becomes bit longer and it takes time to go through causing less ...
Janaka Rodrigo's user avatar
0 votes
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Problem solving approach to learning and psychology

I try to have a problem solving approach to learning math. What i mean by this is if someone sets some questions or problems regarding the material i am reading how should i answer or what questions ...
plants's user avatar
  • 159
-2 votes
2 answers

Is applying maths a 'hard problem' and how does the profession help?

Question: Is there such a thing as an Applied Maths profession? In my engineering experience we were often at a loss as to which mathematical approach to take, and there seemed no obvious way to find ...
OookLout's user avatar