For the United States, I suggest as a resource:
Karp, K., Caldwell, J., Zbiek, R. M., & Bay-Williams, J. (2011). Developing Essential Understanding of Addition and Subtraction for Teaching Mathematics in Pre-K-Grade 2. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1502.
Here is a screenshot of page 45:
As you may notice from the image above, the book does cover the "Austrian method" about which you ask. You can also see in Reflect 1.14 at the top of the page that there is another method discussed called "partial differences."
The section on Properties and Algorithms [of Subtraction] (p. 35) includes a number of approaches and representations with respect to subtracting. Besides the Austrian Method and partial differences, there is also the so-called Standard Algorithm for Subtraction, as well as the use of additive inverses in what is called Compensation or Friendly Numbers (in the book, this is called the "same change algorithm"). In terms of presentations, these include number lines, hundreds charts, place-value blocks, descriptions in words, and symbolic representations.
For completeness, here is a picture of the book's table of contents: