Do the following sentences express 5-2?
a. 5 fewer 2 is 3
b. 2 fewer than 5 is 3
c. 5 less 2 is 3
d. 5 gave 2 is 3
I also saw online that "shared" can also mean "minus", can someone please give me an example?
Thank you!
Do the following sentences express 5-2?
a. 5 fewer 2 is 3
b. 2 fewer than 5 is 3
c. 5 less 2 is 3
d. 5 gave 2 is 3
I also saw online that "shared" can also mean "minus", can someone please give me an example?
Thank you!
From your list
a) 5 fewer 2 is 3 is never used
b) 2 fewer than 5 is 3 is used
C) 5 less 2 is 3 Can be used but a better usage is 2 less than 5 is 3
d) 5 gave 2 is 3 Should be rewritten as 5 gave 2 leaves 3
Additional items (not all are action words - verbs)
e) 2 units (shorter/slower/lighter) than 5 units is 3 units
f) How many units (longer/faster/heaver) than 2 units is 5 units? It is 3 units longer
g) Bob has 5 apples and shares 1 with each of his 2 sisters. He has 3 apples left.
h) Bob has 5 apples. Lisa has 2 apples. Lisa has 3 fewer apples than Bob.
i) The difference of/between 5 and 2 is 3
j) Subtract 2 from 5 and the answer is 3
k) 5 minus 2 is 3
l) Bob has 5 apples and eats 2. There are 3 remaining apples. OR There are 3 left. OR There 3 apples left over
m) 5 decreased by 2 is 3.
For more words you can search for
Arithmetic subtraction key words