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Questions tagged [multiplication]

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3 votes
1 answer

Where to position the carried integers in long multiplication workings?

When I was taught long multiplication many moons ago it would be to place the larger number on the top row and the smaller number on the bottom. Consider 25 x 531: $$ \;\;5 \; 3 \; 1 \\ \times \; \; 2 ...
Attack68's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

Is it meaningful to add a number to itself a fractional number of times?

(Migrated from the math stack exchange, where I received an apt-seeming suggestion to pose the question here, at the math-educators stack exchange) I introduce my young kids to basic math concepts in ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
6 votes
11 answers

How to explain to a ~$12-16$ year-old student who is weak at maths, that $\ 38 \times 27 \times 14 = 27 \times 14 \times 38$?

How to explain to a ~$12-16$ year-old student who is weak at maths, that $\ 38 \times 27 \times 14 = 27 \times 14 \times 38,\ $ and that $\ 3.4 \times 10^{-6} \times 2.1 \times 10^{-5} = 3.4\times 2.1 ...
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