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Erasing students' work - etiquette/guidelines?

What are some guidelines on erasing students' work such as on a chalkboard/whiteboard in a classroom or on paper in a private tutorial class? Usually this is for the parts of maths that involves ...
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Summary of the mechanism of reification

The concept of "reification" in mathematics education is interesting. Roughly, if I understand this correctly, one "reifies" processes into mathematical objects. Very recently, it occurred to me that ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Polya's "Nearby Problem" Heuristic and Inquiry Based Learning

I've often wondered about the "devise a plan" part of Polya's "How to solve it" outline. What we call "problem solving" can be thought of as what to do when you have no idea what to do. From this ...
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What methods successfully identify and eliminate severe math anxiety?

What methods are effective in identifying and eliminating severe math anxiety, this most terrible and unfortunate part of modern mathematics education? This question is not about ordinary math anxiety ...
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Calculation versus writing in mathematics

Writing mathematics is an important activity of the mathematician. In trying to write one's mathematics, one finds ways to balance intuition and rigor and to efficiently communicate concepts and ideas ...
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Can music improve math abilities?

This question is inspired by a set of questions at the end of Timothy Gowers' book: Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2002. The possible relation between mathematics ...
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41 votes
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What does math education research know about difficulty vs. effectiveness?

I've asked basically the same question previously on on math.SE, then cogsci.SE without much response, surely here is the place to ask this. As anecdotal evidence is plentiful, but unfortunately ...
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