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BBS's user avatar
BBS's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Vermont
10 votes

Evidence showing that returning tests helps students

8 votes

How can we help students learn how to read their textbook?

7 votes

At what point is it a disservice to pass someone on to the next math class?

5 votes

How can you determine the quality of your teaching, or someone else's?

4 votes

The sum - product problem

3 votes

Should I be teaching point-slope formula to high school algebra students?

3 votes

Constructing and sketching parabolas, conic sections and other curves

3 votes

Can homework play a substantial role in the assessment of understanding in university math?

2 votes

What's a good policy for accepting late homework?

2 votes

Good learning resources on what kinds of propositional information one can communicate through graphs?

2 votes

1:1 iPads for K-3: how can an educator accommodate student(s) opting out?

1 vote

What is your workflow for producing high school mathematics test papers?