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29 votes

What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

To start things off, some moments my students move around during class: I have given students tape measures and had them determine how much they would spend at the paint store if they wanted to paint ...
Nick C's user avatar
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13 votes

What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

The Hungarian Quicksort Dance demonstrates a computer science algorithm with dance. It's pretty advanced, but the idea is to have your students physically act out algorithms. Perhaps something ...
Schwern's user avatar
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12 votes

Educators, what resources have you built to better serve your students?

Riemann Sum visualization Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Explanation Error bound on integral for increasing function "Secant Circles" and "Tangent Circles" Some students of mine ...
11 votes

Graph theory teaching materials for young students

One of the charms of graph theory is that people of all ages often enjoy learning graph theory ideas and tools. One place one can read about these ideas is in the book called For All Practical ...
Joseph Malkevitch's user avatar
11 votes

How to teach abstract algebra for the first time?

I second Adam. Keep it with strong with examples if you can. There is a mathoverflow answer with a ton of group theory examples. You might want to force them to practice doing more "rote" exercises ...
Chris C's user avatar
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8 votes

How to teach abstract algebra for the first time?

I think that you probably need to give them some hands-on experience before any of it will sink in. I assume that they are CS students? After you give them the definition and a few examples, you could ...
Adam's user avatar
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7 votes

Integral calculus from the modern viewpoint

There are many techniques of integration. Some of them, like integration by parts, are important theoretically. Integration by parts shows up in the derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equations in ...
Adam's user avatar
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Integral calculus from the modern viewpoint

1: Up until the collegiate level, most math students memorize the 'right' way to do certain types of problems, and then repeat that hundreds of times on homework, so that they can repeat it on a test. ...
charmoniumQ's user avatar
6 votes

Educators, what resources have you built to better serve your students?

Here are some physics-related ones... many not quite as polished as they could be. update: webvpython / glowscript (also supported on EMwave - EMwave on - an interactive 3D ...
6 votes

Games suitable for high school level teaching

Board Games Prime Climb Katamino (pentominoes, for 2 or as a puzzle for 1) Blokus (shapes using 1 to 5 squares, strategy) Card Games Set (logic) A game on the board It's a bit like yours, but the ...
Sue VanHattum's user avatar
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6 votes

Help needed to find 7th & 8th grade completed math samples

One way to go is to do this in partnership with a school or a university (or other higher education institute) that does teacher education. Pupil workbooks are rarely published, and you might face ...
Tommi's user avatar
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5 votes

In what grade do kids (New York, US) learn common differences?

The linear function component is covered early(ish) in Algebra 1, and quadratic functions are covered towards the end of Algebra 1; so, the former by 7th/8th grade and the latter - if at all - by 8th ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
5 votes

What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

To build intuition for the Cartesian plane, assign axes to the room (or to students, depending on how many you have and how they're arranged in the room). Then you can do things like: Stand up if ...
dbmag9's user avatar
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5 votes

Games suitable for high school level teaching

Logic Tatham's Puzzles, such as Loopy (Cairo) and Tracks, both of which are endless sources of puzzles where pigeonhole principle and parity are very useful tools for solving them. Tatham's version of ...
user21820's user avatar
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Reinforcement mathematics thinking of 10 years old child by teaching "patterns"

Most elementary students enjoy finding all the patterns in Pascal's triangle. This link at mathisfun covers many different patterns including the Fibonacci numbers (yes, they are in Pascal's triangle) ...
Amy B's user avatar
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Graph theory teaching materials for young students

Here are GeoGebra materials: Graph Theory for Kids, inspired by Joel Hamkins' notes, to which @A.Goodier pointed.                     Four-color ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
4 votes

What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

One activity I've seen done at the high school level is a scavenger hunt. You come up with a group of questions with numeric answers, and then you print out a bunch of papers to hang around the room (...
Matthew Daly's user avatar
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What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

How about drawing an ellipse, a parabola, and a hyperbola, using string and a straightedge:                              ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
4 votes

What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

I took a small math class over the summer (about 11 people) where instead of lecturing the whole time (as is customary for many college math classes), the professor gave us some problems once in a ...
D.R's user avatar
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What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

Take a look at Computer Science Unplugged. They have a well curated list of activities ready to use with students, quite a few of which include physical activity. You might need to adjust them a bit ...
snEk42's user avatar
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What mathematics activities get students physically moving?

My favourite is addition and multiplication by walking. This is my go-to activity when I talk at schools. $+2$ is two steps forward. Then we get to negative numbers, and $-3$ is three steps back. ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
4 votes

short teaching demo on logs; but by someone who uses active learning

Explain what you explained here to start the interview. Do a 3-5 minute intro that introduces logarithms the way your video would introduce it. Then spend the rest of the time doing whatever else you ...
Chris Cunningham's user avatar
4 votes

Educators, what resources have you built to better serve your students?

Desmos Clickable Venn diagram with three sets and universe set Unit circle Secant lines motivating instantaneous rate of change Tangent lines Rolle's Theorem Mean Value Theorem (for derivatives) ...
4 votes

Making an online math course "interactive"

I do not have a silver bullet, just some experiences in a maybe similar enough direction to be helpful, or maybe that can be a warning. ... I have a different context, university level but mathematics ...
Tommi's user avatar
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Making an online math course "interactive"

For context, I majored in mathematics as an undergraduate, but minored in education. I held a secondary education certificate which allowed me to teach high school and middle school mathematics in ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
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3 votes

In what grade do kids (New York, US) learn common differences?

This is a topic I could imagine not being adequately covered in all U.S. schools, although (as Dave L. Renfro pointed out in a comment), it is listed in the Common Core Mathematics standards under ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
3 votes

Teaching math long distance

I have used (and still use) a Huion H420 graphic tablet (it costs around 40$). It has pressure recognition which really helps the software understand and interpret your writing and give a nice output. ...
orion2112's user avatar
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To what extent is MSE reputation an indication of potential in education?

I'm not a tenured faculty member so take this with a grain of salt: No one is going to care, your reputation in the field and job prospects will almost certainly be based on your PhD work. Many people ...
Nate Bade's user avatar
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