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Questions tagged [gifted-students]

For questions about "gifted" students, i.e. students who are talented, motivated, and predisposed to studying mathematics.

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42 votes
6 answers

Effects of early study of advanced books

Context: There was recently a question on Math.SE: Inferior to Other Younger and Brighter Kids which starts as follows: I'm a high school student (Junior/Grade 11) and I'm currently studying ...
0 votes
2 answers

Math Progress for Year 2 Student?

Have a year 2 student that is years above his peers. Each topic I introduce he has already learnt and understood. I've extended the topics we work on for him but the topics I introduce are rudimentary ...
10 votes
3 answers

The effectiveness of "honors" classes

In many universities there are honors math classes. For example, instead of having five "mixed" Calculus I sections they arrange one "honors" class and four "ordinary" ...
3 votes
3 answers

What are pros and cons of requiring students to create their own math questions, and what are some tips to make it work well?

I will teach a special class of 10 high school students who are aiming to study math at top universities. The purpose of the class is to increase students' interest and ability in math. There is ...
15 votes
18 answers

What are some "deep" questions to explore in elementary school math?

My first grader is very advanced in math. Rather than doing more and more math and making school math even more boring for him, I recently decided to start going "deeper" rather than "...
2 votes
2 answers

what is a good student grouping in this situation?

I am teaching a class of 16 students aged around 15-16. They are all very social except for one older male student who has a severe kind of social anxiety. In the class there is also a gifted girl, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Advice on teaching advanced mathematics to high school students

I am a high school student really into algebra and algebraic geometry. I want to expose this sort of math to other high school students that have the motivation and ability. For a long time, I had no ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to encourage grade 5 kid very interested in mathematics?

My son is in Class or Grade 5 in India. he really likes mathematics. Apart from school work, he does, website dedicated for math exercises of his class. he does those exercises relatively ...
11 votes
2 answers

What is a good math "curriculum" for a mathematically precocious 4-year old?

I am parent to a 4-year-old son who is mathematically precocious. An example of what I mean (since I'm sure guys like Gauss were proving theorems at 4): He multiplies and divides small numbers easily,...
49 votes
10 answers

How to handle the situation where a student insists I am wrong during the class?

I had one very vocal student in my Calculus recitation last year. Sometimes she would point out if I made a mistake in the lecture. However, sometimes she would insist that I had made a mistake, ...
11 votes
8 answers

How to deal with a talented 11-year-old pupil?

Imagine a child aged 11. They have just finished primary education and now moving into secondary education. This child has shown a great mathematical talent/disposition since a very young age. By the ...
3 votes
3 answers

Teaching three-year-old subtraction using the number line

I am aware of questions such as this one. On the other hand, I still believe that teaching a bright three year old subtraction is possible. He counts from $0$ to $100$ and backwards from $10$ to $-10$,...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there any high school level summer program that teaches Analysis?

All summer programs I know for high-school students focuses on number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, logic, and all kinds of topics in discrete mathematics. (I am mainly interested in UK, US, ...
6 votes
6 answers

How to answer a three-year-old the question "Why is $2+6$ the same as $4+4$"?

I am teaching my daughter, who is currently about $46$ months old, additions. She is very curious and asks a lot of good questions. For example, when I told her that $2+6=8$ and $4+4=8$, she asked me ...
5 votes
2 answers

Curriculum for Advanced 6th Graders

Next year I volunteered to lead the math class for a group of 6th graders (ages 11 - 12). Here are the pertinent details: About 5 - 8 (U.S.) students, for about 45 minutes, 3 days a week (they'll ...
18 votes
7 answers

How to deal with fast students without neglecting weaker ones

In my class, what often happens is that some smart students do problems faster than other students. And they are actually going well ahead of my course plan. While I am teaching to other students a ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Kid, 8 years old, developed a new calculation algorithm [closed]

I have a kid, 8 years old. The boy has phenomenal math skills. When he was 6 he was solving fractions with roots, writing Fibonacci series and much more. Now he developed a new calculation algorithm ...
22 votes
3 answers

How to advise students who want to do a "Bourbaki"-style study?

There are some good students who understand a lot and are very critical. Such students tend to think that they will only understand abstract algebra if they have followed a course about logic; or they ...
8 votes
5 answers

Mathematics exam -- How to keep brain functioning through a four-hour exam?

So my question isn't directly related to math, but I think you might be able to help me. I'm a 17 year old, last year at school. My class specializes in math/physics (that's our educational system in ...
5 votes
4 answers

Extension activities in Algebra II

I'm in Algebra II this year, and I have to admit, it's kind of boring. The only new thing we've touched on so far this year is how to graph piecewise functions, and those are really easy to graph. ...
14 votes
2 answers

Splitting the students by abilities

Disclaimer: This question will use as an example a computer-science university program, because it is much easier for me to describe and give some statistics, but it applies to math as well. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Math Scholarships for the highly advanced

I was wondering if there are any special math scholarships in the United States of America for High School students with high capacity in mathematics. At the age of merely 16, I see great potential ...
7 votes
4 answers

Teaching arithmetic operations ($+ - \times \div$) to a 3 year old

What is the best way to teach the standard arithmetic operations ($+ - \times \div$) to a 3 year old child? Also: How we do know if the child has really understood it? can a kid be 3 years old ...
3 votes
1 answer

What are sources for non-routine problems involving quadratic functions (in one variable)?

I'm planning to get some sources which explain beautiful problems about quadratic function. I know that there are another kind of functions, but the quadratic function has different applications in ...
13 votes
3 answers

Challenge questions for extremely bright kids

I suppose this is the place for my questions as much as any place is: I'm a math student coming on my 3rd year of undergrad, and I am working as a counselor at a Summer math camp. The camp is for 12-...
18 votes
3 answers

How can I teach Mathematics to genius students?

I'm a Math Teacher for highly talented students in High School. It's hard for me to determine how fast can I move through topics and how deeply can I dive into different math subjects for enhancing ...
13 votes
1 answer

High-school level algebra textbooks for gifted students

Note. I asked the question below on Math Stack Exchange (link), but didn't get a really satisfactory answer there, so I'm posting it here too. I am looking for high school algebra/mathematics ...
19 votes
5 answers

How to nurture a good student?

When you encounter a very bright student in a first-year (college/university) class (and who is therefore bored), what do you do? Leaving them to their own devices can be problematic. It can lead to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Continuity of classes split between different days

Context: Because of organizational mess, there is a high chance that I'll be preparing a ~3h class for gifted students during a spring-camp (a week-long gathering full of all kinds of nice things to ...
3 votes
3 answers

interesting/challenging geometric constructions for gifted secondary students

I have three students in my secondary geometry class that just destroy everything I throw at them. I tasked them with writing the word problems for their midterms and one of the three wrote simply "...
5 votes
3 answers

Honors project idea for linear algebra

At my institution there is an Honors program which encourages (or requires) students to petition classes for Honors. Basically, what this amounts to is the student has to write a 10 page (not set in ...
5 votes
2 answers

Fractal Generation Project: How to Continue?

Three months ago, we defined a programming project for some gifted middle school students: Writing code to generate simple fractals. Two of them have finished writing Pascal programs already! The ...
19 votes
5 answers

Presenting a solution with a stroke of genius

When presenting the $3$-dimensional proof of the Desargues' theorem an average student might have, speaking informally, a "WTF moment". It is an extreme case, but a similar situation could happen in ...
6 votes
3 answers

Problem of a talented student who doesn't like to solve too much problems

Recently I have been perplexed by a non-mathematical problem. One of my Indian student-friend is preparing for the next year's IMO exam but he says that he doesn't like simply doing hard and ...
27 votes
2 answers

Students who know high-level math before going to college

There is a high school in the city I live in which has some high-level math courses in their curriculum. It's a special math class mentored by some university lecturers, and the children basically do ...
10 votes
2 answers

How does an advisor effectively motivate progress on an independent project?

When an excellent student is working on an honors or independent study project, the advisor's job is to not only serve as the content expert, but also to motivate the student to complete the project. ...